Christmas saved with Launchee's new streaming platform

A multinational electric company
Use case
Online Christmas party

The Client

A multinational company providing energy and automation digital solutions for efficiency and sustainability to a variety of industries and its 150+ team in Bulgaria. Operating in a rigid regulation market, our client strictly follows all GDPR requirements related to clients, contractors and employees.

The Challenge

Christmas season has always been the time to say ‘thank you’ to all colleagues for the job well done, to lift everyone’s spirit at the end of the year and to shape next year’s plans in an informal environment. Everyone was eagerly expecting the 2020 party that every year had been exceeding even most critical colleagues’ expectations.

The 2020 format, however, had to be reconsidered because of the new epidemiological measures, and the organizers decided to switch to an entirely virtual format. They needed a partner who would respond to their strict IT security requirements related to every single employee’s data. It has turned out that this was not an easy job, as most standard streaming platforms could not customize their security policies. 

christmaswelcome screen
event screentwillixspeakers

The Solution

Launchee offered a completely personalized solution via its own streaming platform according to the client’s specific requirements. This is how the company received a comprehensive solution without compromising with the streaming’s functionalities. 

After securing all technical requirements, our teams concentrated on another important detail – the party’s program, which albeit virtual, provided hours of fun for everyone.

Launchee equipped the venue with a green screen, which was branded and served as a background to the hosts. Taking into consideration all epidemiological measures, we had only the party hosts and part of the organizers on spot, and streamed our ‘correspondents’ from the leadership team from a variety of locations. 

Talented employees had pre-recorded music videos, transforming themselves as masked performers and their colleagues needed to guess who they were via the special chat we have created for the purpose. Contests, games and interactive quizzes left no one bored for more than 3 hours of celebration.

Results & highlights


150+ happy employees having fun together


3+ hours of partying, games, laughter, & cracking jokes


100% employee engagement rate & Christmas completed


100% successful start of Launchee’s new streaming customizable platform

What our client says about it...

The client:

"We would like to say a big ‘THANK YOU’ to everyone @ Launchee for the cooperation and organization of our Christmas party! It was a pleasure working with people who never say ‘No’ or ‘There is no way to do this’. Keep on inspiring and creating unique experiences for your clients and their employees''.

…& part of the happy colleagues:

"Well done to the organizers, it was such a cool party!”

"I felt as if I was on a real stage!"

"Great quality of the whole streaming!"