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Talent Talks Vol.3: Up-skill & Retrain - When it's Тime to Reinvent Your Career





Nov 19, 2020 18:30


Nov 19, 2020 21:00


‘Talent Talks’ is a series of events Trending Topics has started to demystify the myths around what the talents in the tech sector are actually after. We will be back at Launchee on November 19th for our third edition - again in a hybrid form - with a limited in-person audience and added live streaming on Facebook and YouTube. But nonetheless, we’ll be exploring again what in reality motivates professionals in the local tech sector.

Business and technology are changing ever faster and with that also the skill sets within organizations also need to constantly evolve. Further, the pandemic jolted many of us out of our comfort zones and made us ask ourselves big questions about what matters and what is worth doing. No wonder then, that especially now still in ‘remote-mode’, many people are rethinking their careers. While it is still unclear how devastating the effect of the corona crisis will be on our economies, companies who adapt to the distributed ways of working make the competition for the best talents borderless and thus even more fierce. Career development and planning are now more important than ever, and that’s exactly the topic we are going to explore in-depth during Vol. 3 of Talent Talks.

Further, how important is upskilling really and what skill set should we focus on developing on the job? Computer programming is being considered by many an increasingly crucial skill just like reading, writing, and arithmetics. At the same time, automation & AI are expected to eliminate hundreds of millions of jobs - blue-collar, white-collar, but also coding. So, how should professionals and employers of today prepare for the future of work?

By bringing these and other relevant questions to the table, we aim to have an open discussion based on facts, extract valuable insights and contribute to reversing the brain drain from the innovation ecosystem. Last but not least, we offer innovative and responsible employers in Bulgaria a new type of platform where they could meet, engage and stand out amongst those talents they would like to make part of their mission.

- 18:30 open doors / screens
- 19:00 panel discussion
- 20:00 Q&A

Note: Tickets are free but registration is required. You also have the option to support us with a small donation so we can organize even more cool events for the regional innovation ecosystem.

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